Damian Deimos

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The Guardian
Damian Deimos
Full Name: Damian Deimos
Aliases: Ace, Damo, Bodyguard, Green Warrior, and others
Race: Nordling
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Krisa, Achaean Empire
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Golden-brown
Affinity: Fire
Affiliations: Krisa
Damian Deimos is the personal bodyguard to the Pythia in the city of Krisa in the Achaean Empire. Known for his smart mouth, exceptionally quick wit, and devil-may-care nature, as well as his unfaltering faith in Apollo and extreme dedication to his job as guardian of the Pythia, Damian is a terrifying holy warrior capable of going from laid-back and annoying to vicious and fearless in a moment's notice.


Given Damian's nature, no one outside of his own family is quite sure which story about his background is true. Born somewhere in or near Krisa, Damian is the seventh son of a family with eight sons and no daughters. With a robust family history that he never talks about, Damian often prefers not to openly acknowledge the fact that he is Nordling rather than Achaean by blood, masquerading as best he can as an exceptionally tall Imperial and never mentioning his tribe or clan. As a child, he entered the Imperial Legion, where his great physical capability and intelligence eventually placed him among the best: the Red Legion. For many years he served with his Centurion, Caiden Voros, soon hand-picked by Caiden to be his *optio*, or lieutenant. Damian became a skilled and respected solder, but when Caiden's unit was disgraced, Damian left the Legion and returned to Krisa, using his incredible prowess to prove himself worthy of becoming the temple's greatest guardian: bodyguard to the Pythia herself. It is one of the few things in life he takes seriously, almost to the point of possessiveness.


Often considered a confusing man, Damian has what is variably called an annoying or charming personality. His wit is razor-sharp and incessant, and he always has some remark or another to add to any situation, if not an outright narration. He ribs and teases absolutely everyone, including himself, at all times. Many wonder how he survived and ever ranked in the Red Legion, given his behavior. But with a silver tongue and natural charisma, thanks in no small part to his incredible good looks, he easily charms women and befriends his fellow soldiers with his amicable - if mischievous - personality. He takes almost nothing seriously, again including himself - but despite his endless oddities, he is still a disciplined and highly capable warrior, devout in his dedication and service to Apollo and the Pythia... even if his loyalty to the Imperial Legion has considerably wavered.


Damian will be an important character in the upcoming novel The Hunt for the Orb of Death and will appear in some other works.