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Bjarnhamar (singular bjarnhamr) are bear-like creatures that, supposedly, were once Men. They are far more vicious and aggressive than an ordinary bear, as well as more intelligent. They are also called bear-men, greatbears, and even werebears, though they have no known relation to werewolves, nor can they pass on their curse, if they even truly have one.


Bjarnhamar take the form of enormous bears. Some say they truly have a man-like shape and can walk and even run upright with the grace of a human, and that their paws are arranged like hands, even possessing a thumb. This is not known to be entirely true, yet myths abound. Generally, they move much like a bear, occasionally taking to their hind legs but generally going on all fours. They have typical fur coloration like ordinary bears of Northrim, but sometimes their fur may take sparse patterns on their body, leaving some swaths of bare skin that looks similar to the flesh of Men and lending still more credence to certain legends. Though like those of a bear and not exceptional otherwise, the eyes of bjarnhamar are known to come in a wider variety of coloration than those of ordinary bears, including hues such as blue or green.


It remains unknown if the bjarnhamar are truly created from a curse on once ordinary Men. Some claim that, as they can also become werewolves and other monsters, berserkers who take on the spirits of bears will become bjarnhamar if they give in to their bestial rage. Others say one can come across the bear-curse in other ways, such as from angered witches, spirits, or even the gods. However, unlike werewolves, the bjarnhamar cannot spread their curse, nor do they so easily transform from man to beast. Bjarnhamar are thought to return to the form of a man only very few times, if at all: an act that takes great willpower. And, should they ever turn again, it is said they will be trapped in the form of the great bear-monster forever.


Bjarnhamar are not like their ordinary bear kin. They are quick to anger, violent, and vicious; they actively hunt and chase their prey, including Men. They prefer meat, especially the flesh of noble creatures, to all other food. However, they are still reclusive, and they do not often hunt near larger civilized areas. Lone hunters, travelers, or those living in the wilderness beware, however, as the bear-men will readily hunt them to devour their flesh. Legend speaks of how one of the mightiest bjarnhamr ever hunted dwelt in a cave lined by the skulls of his prey, neatly arranged as if he were a human conqueror. Hunting any bjarnhamr is incredibly difficult, as they display uncanny, man-like intelligence. They are not, however, known to ever speak.


Like many monsters, bjarnhamar are sensitive to silver, which causes them great pain and harm. They are not known to have any other particular weaknesses.

Recent History

Bjarnhamar are an extremely rare sight, and those who witness one generally do not live to tell the tale. They are rarely but occasionally hunted in Northrim due to their dangerous nature and lust for human flesh, and slaying one is considered a great and heroic feat. No one but a fool goes looking for a bjarnhamr to slay, but should one attack a larger village or hunt its people, a group of the best warriors and berserkers may band together to slay the beast.

The Sleepers at the Bjornburg

Though all bjarnhamar are considered malicious by nature, legend speaks of a pair of bjarnhamar mates that dwell in the mountain atop which the Bjornburg rests. It is said they have slumbered there for thousands of years. Prophets and doomsayers speak often of how the bjarnhamar under the mountain, called the Sleepers at the Bjornburg and other names, will awaken and either slaughter the Bjornings or conquer in their name. However, no way into the mountain is known, and even if it were, no one would dare risk the wrath of so great and ancient of beings - if they even exist.