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Helos is a great, walled city with a long and storied history dating before the rise and rule of Mage-Emperor Ildrius I. It is one of the oldest cities in Achaea and home to a great number of proud warriors in the Red Legion. It is the birthplace of Caiden Voros and Plexaura Voros.


First founded as one of the earliest Imperial cities in the Heartland, Helos's history became complicated during the reign of Mage-Emperor Ildrius. Like most every other Imperial city, a mage rose to power as ruler of the city and enslaved the mundane folk. All powerful classes became mages or only the most trusted mundane Men, with the majority of the populous serving as slaves with little or no pleasure or privilege.

A rebellion arose, however, under the leadership of a man named Lysander. Against all odds, Lysander led the slaves in a successful uprising to overthrow their mage oppressors and retake the city. Since then, a Lysander has always remained in power in Helos, with many sons and daughters of the house having esteemed careers in the Inquisition.


Helos is known to be a city of unerring discipline and legendary warriors, like much of the Red Lands. Some of the greatest soldiers in the Red Legion were born in Helos. Many families and bloodlines of the city command great respect thanks to their long and violent, but victorious, history. The Lysander Manor itself contains many artifacts and knowledge magical in nature, and the city has also become known for being home to many very successful and influential Inquisitors. To be from Helos generally commands respect across the Empire. It is not a city that fosters the weak.


Helos is a fully walled city. Behind the walls lies most of the city proper, though the outlying farmlands also fall under the city's domain. Originally built around a keep resting on a hill, Helos is a very tightly-packed city with narrow streets and very old buildings, many still standing from the days of Old Achaea and bearing beautiful, older designs of white stone, painted statues of Olympians and heroes, and columns. Mingled among these buildings are structures newer in design, many made of dark wood; most of these are in the poorer districts of the city.

At the center of Helos rests Lysander Manor. Once a heavily fortified keep, it was largely destroyed following the Lysanders' rebellion against the city's former mage rulers. It was rebuilt into a more contemporary castle-manor, luxurious and made of a combination of sturdy stone and dark wood. It is a formidable building, and though not as capable of withstanding a siege as a true castle, it affords its occupants a beautiful and vast living space.


As is typical for a city in the Red Lands, the patron deity of Helos is Ares. Many other Olympian deities are worshiped, of course, with other prominent temples to Zeus and Apollo.