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Python, son of the titan Gaia, is the great green dragon that once dwelt where the Achaean city of Krisa stands today. Ages ago, when the Olympians were young, Python ruled the region and possessed his own oracle. The god Apollo arrived to slay the dragon when Python both stopped Apollo from establishing his own oracle and because Python hunted Apollo's mother, Leto, when she was pregnant. It was Python who partially drove Leto to hide in the lands around Arcadia in the form of a wolf when pregnant with Apollo. After Python was slain, Apollo and Zeus established Krisa and made it the seat of their new oracle: the Pythia, named after the dragon slain there. Likewise, Apollo established the Pythian Games at the city to celebrate his victory. The scales of Python are said to decorate and protect the walls of the oracle's temple at Krisa, as they are far too large to be formed into armor for Apollo's warriors.