Ogres are one of the choas races. It is unknown what race the Jotnar were attempting to mimic when creating them. Some speculate it was various sorts of trolls. Like all Chaos races, they eat only flesh and prefer the taste of intelligent mortal beings.
Ogres vary in size. Most stand several feet taller than even the tallest of Men. They are broad and muscular. Their skin varies in hue, ranging from shades of grey to tinges of red or even green or blue. Most ogres stand hunched and are slow-witted, often walking with knuckles dragging the ground.
Being so unintelligent, ogres have only the culture of whatever society in which they live. Usually, this is orc society, where they are used as siege weapons and beasts of burden. Only rarely is an ogre intelligent enough to rise to the position of chieftain, though some have been witnessed.
Of all the Chaos races, ogres are the only ones known to occasionally prefer solitary life, as some choose to live alone in caves. They are rarely found in large numbers, whether they live with or apart from the other Chaos monsters.