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Revision as of 02:14, 5 January 2024

The Omphalos Stone, "omphalos" meaning "navel," is an ancient artifact, one of the most sacred in the entire Achaean Empire. It is said to be capable of aiding in the production of prophetic visions and allowing contact with the forces divine, including the gods themselves.


It is the stone Rhea swaddled in clothing and presented to the titan Kronos, pretending it to be his son, Zeus; Kronos swallowed the stone in place of Zeus. After Kronos's defeat, the stone was extracted and placed by Zeus at the center of the world, which he deemed to be the sacred site that became the city of Krisa, where Apollo slew the dragon Python. Since then, the stone has been heavily safeguarded as a religious artifact of great power, often kept with the Pythia herself and under constant watch of her personal retinue.

Current Location

A large stone is displayed within the temple at Krisa, but a smaller stone is claimed to be brought out alongside the Pythia during oracle visitations. Many visitors believe this may be the real omphalos stone, while the one on display is for purposes of worship. If true, the real omphalos is as heavily protected as the Pythia herself.