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The Killer
Full Name: Unknown
Aliases: None
Race: Achaean
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Unknown
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Affinity: Earth
Affiliations: Silent Messengers
Niall is an Achaean assassin and member of the Silent Messengers. A master manipulator, cold-blooded killer, and skilled assassin, he is a forced to be reckoned with and knows nothing of mercy or sympathy.


His true name unknown, Niall hails from the southern Achaean Empire, around the area of Emerita. He led a good life, not poor but not noble, yet still he yearned for more. Turning to conspiracy, blackmail, and manipulation to twist others into his bidding, Niall became a master of his craft. One day, though he says not exactly how, he learned of another, faster method to achieve what he wanted: murder. Niall became nearly as obsessed with killing as manipulation, his truest passion in life, and his skill at the art went noticed even by the Silent Messengers - the only organization capable of linking him back to his murders. They approached him and offered him a place in the order. Niall eagerly accepted.


Niall is a truly ugly man. His face is hideous and he strives to keep it that way, finding beautiful people distasteful in his envy. He has relatively long, black hair always coated in grease, a patchy but dark beard, and eyes black as the pit. His smile, should he ever wear it in earnest, is as twisted as his heart, and his throaty voice will make one long for silence.


Niall is a manipulator and a killer. He knows no empathy nor pity. He derives pleasure from few things in life, but a successful scheme and the suffering of others can make him smile. He resents anyone pretty, anyone happy, and everyone who has found any inner peace. He enjoys successfully turning others against their own friends, finding the dirty secrets of others to use against them, and generally sowing chaos, mistrust, and hatred. Blackmail is his favored method of manipulation. Should he ever feel threatened by one of his own schemes or victims, however, Niall is not above murder, and he is intelligent enough to cover his tracks well.


Niall has appeared in The Demon's Fang and Knightfall.