Djedar Rath

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The Medjai
Djedar Rath
Full Name: Djedar Rath
Aliases: Djed
Race: Presumed to be Kemheti
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Unknown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Affinity: Unknown
Affiliations: The Medjai, The Illikon mage cult
Djedar Rath is a Medjai warrior in service of Kemhet. He bears many strange tattoos almost like a channeler.


Formerly a slave to the warlock Tefnahkt the Red, Djedar took a wife and child when he was quite young and generally kept his head down. At some point, he helped them escape from Tefnahkt when his cruelty became too great. He later fought and won his freedom - only to begin serving the Medjai instead. How or when he received his channeler tattoos remains unknown except to very few, and they do not speak of what occurred. Currently, he has traveled very far north, all the way to Illikon and Rimegard.


Djedar can be summarized in one word: grim. Something that happened to him reshaped his once irreverent behavior, forging him into an alert, stoic, and serious warrior. He says little and often comes across as borderline unfriendly, unless a mission calls for otherwise. He changes his behavior and attitude to achieve his goals, but eventually, he returns to his dark status. He is very much a loner, never letting anyone get close, trusting no one, generally disliking the company of others, and not believing in honor. He is a fatalist, and he often refers to the will of the gods and how it governs all things and must be fulfilled - even if he doesn't always seem keen on the outcome.


Djedar is the protagonist of his own series, starting with The Tomb of Ankhu. He has also appeared in Into the North.