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The western walls of Ak'Varylystha, City of Agony.

Ak'Varylystha - also sometimes called Agonia, after the Underworld realm of the city's patron Demon Lord, Akhoman - is a Svartalfar (Dark Elf) city that lies deep within Nidavellir. It is ruled by King Ghauralas Akem Varylys III and his House.


Ak'Varylystha is one of the oldest Svartalfar cities, said to have been founded not long after the Dark Elves fled underground following the fall of Tor Orda, their ancient tower on the surface. Here in Nidavellir, the Dark Elves could finally worship their demon-gods, safe from "persecution" by the other races of Elves. Many civil wars between the various noble Houses followed, with House Varylys eventually rising to the top, aided by the power of their patron Demon Lord, Akhoman. They constructed a great necropolis in his honor, with a statue of him over a sacrificial altar in front of it.

In recent times, the city has come under siege on two fronts, by two different enemies: the Dwarves of Clan Firebeard to the west, and the Goblins of the Venomweb Tribe to the east. Yet, aided by their powerful dark magic, the dark elves have stood their ground. Their walls remain unbroken, their armies undefeated.

Ruling Houses

The Dark Elves have always been fractured by families of ruling nobles, each worshiping a different patron demon and bickering over power. In Ak'Varylystha, the following Houses are the mightiest:

House Varylys

Ruling house of the city, led by King Ghauralas Akem Varylys III. Their patron demon is Akhoman, Lord of Pain. Their symbol is a nine-tailed whip, sometimes stylized as a squid-like creature with nine tentacles, since great cave krakens dwell in a subterranean lake beneath their palace, often fed the bodies of the family's prisoners, slaves, and enemies. Masters of magic, their power and wealth comes from the dark temple and necropolis near their citadel. Other important members of House Varylys include Ghauralas's daughter Lady Varylys and his brother, Vizier Melkavar Varylys.

House Mauglir

The most militaristic family, providing many hardy soldiers to the army. Closely aligned with House Varylys, their patron is Eligos, Demon Lord of War. Their source of wealth is mining, and beneath their home fortress are many tunnels from which they dig the minerals necessary for dark elf society, including the magic gems they use for light. Mauglir own a several great mines in which thousands of slaves dredge up metals and precious gems. They are also great craftsmen, forging weapons and armor of top quality. The Captain of the Guard of Ak'Varylystha is Razael Magulir.

House Elegrim

Librarians, scribes, and artisans, Elegrim are the keepers of lore, tracing their lineage back to the days of Tor Orda, when Svartalfar lived on the surface world. They are the master architects and engineers of Agonia, constructing its buildings, siege engines, and far more nefarious devices - most of them built in factories by slaves. Their patron is Arashk, Demon Lord of Pride. Rumor has it that he has blessed some elves of the house with vampirism. House Varylys's dreaded torture-master and gaoler is Gildoryn Elegrim.

House Vael

Once a lesser house known only for their great farms of mushrooms, Vael rose through the ranks of Agonia using subterfuge - bribery, blackmail, and assassination. In addition to providing most of the food for the city, their mushrooms also make great poisons and potions, and they are masters of alchemy. Many come to their dens of pleasure to partake of their chemical concoctions, smoking or drinking them while making love to the House's many pleasure slaves. Their matron is Lilit, Demon Lady of Lust. One of Lady Varylys's handmaidens is Raevia Vael.

House Bel'ord

Considered disturbing even among the dark elves, House Ixafar are the beastmasters of Agonia, taming many of the monsters of Nidavellir and making use of them, both alive in their great slave-fighting pits, and dead as crafting materials and food. The gladiatory games they hold in their fighting pits draw in massive crowds from throughout the city, including Dark Elves, slaves, and visitors from beyond. Their patrons are Xeshm, Lord of Fury, and Bushasp, Lord of Gluttony. One of Lady Varylys's favored handmaidens is Aeluria Bel'ord.

House Ixafar

The most mysterious house in Agonia, very few know what goes on in their dark compound. Even their patron demon is unknown, though it is suspected to be Agruzgakbalat, Lord of Madness. They go about in masks, speak in riddles, and trade in ancient and evil artifacts, which their archaeologists dredge from deep beneath the earth. Their house also raises silkworms and crafts most of the strange fashions worn by residents of Ak'Varylystha.

