Tor Alfa

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Tor Alfa ("Tower of the Elves") is a term used to refer to Alfar mage-towers, especially the seven greatest of these towers, built in the oldest days of the mortal realms. Some of these towers are still standing, while others lie in ruins. All are said to be places of great magic, filled with untold treasure and knowledge.

The Seven Towers

In the primordial days of Midgard, the first Elves were said to be skilled in all the ways of magic. They constructed mage towers at the meeting places of ley lines, the crossroads of the oldest Alfar highways. The greatest of these were the Seven Towers, or the High Towers. They were, or are, as follows:

Tor Sara, the Tower of Light

Possibly the first and thus oldest of the Seven Towers, Tor Sara was said to be a great spire of white and gold located somewhere in the foothills of the Jagged Edge. It was in this tower that the Ljosalfar accumulated mystical knowledge and trained their magi. But their hubris eventually got the better of them, and a magical experiment caused the tower and surrounding walls to shatter. The great elven city at the foot of the tower was left exposed, and the Armies of Chaos took advantage of this moment of weakness, devastating the town. There are rumors that the elves used powerful magic to spirit away what was left of their tower, but these stories have never been confirmed. The ancient, uninhabited city ruins still lie somewhere in the mountains near the Immortal Wood.
