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The Medjay are a nomadic group of desert warriors in Kemhet, who serve as guardians and peacekeepers of the desert. They are an ancient order that has existed since the very foundation of Kemhet itself or perhaps even before.


Though no one knows precisely when the Medjay were founded, they have known to exist for at least as long as the culture of Kemhet itself, though their order has changed over the course of history. Initially serving as mercenaries for Kemhet and largely hailing from foreign lands, they eventually became an order serving directly under the pharaohs of Kemhet itself. After the death of the first pharaoh who treated them as his personal guard, they began to closely guard his tomb and eventually took up the mantle of protectors of the Kemheti dead. Today, they also serve other, more mysterious and varied purposes. They are never ones to share the nature of their duties or how they operate, except with their own.



Void Iron and Channelers

They work for Kemhet itself and enforce the law across the great deserts. Their duties often call them to patrol the borders of Kemhet and neighboring lands, such as Deshret and Parsanshar, and they even work to keep the accursed abominations of the Wastes in check, trying to prevent them from encroaching near civilization or trade routes.

A requirement to become a Medjay is to wholly dedicate oneself to the preservation of Kemhet and civilization itself, as well as the protection of tombs from thieves, meddlers, and mages, and the prevention of dark magic. Law enforcement officers, monster hunters, and guardians of tombs and all things ancient, the Medjay are a relatively small and extremely elite order comprised of peoples from all the Southron lands and even the Desert Dwarves, with contingents ranging from five to a dozen or more riders patrolling all reaches of Kemhet's vast deserts. They often oppose the Zhar.