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Oracles, also called seers, are individuals who receive visions and prophecies that are difficult to interpret but potentially foretell the future. Some believe they may be related to [[Conduits]], but others dispute this, particularly if they believe an oracle is given visions from a divine source. As they have for untold ages, oracles play an important role in many societies across the mortal world.
Oracles, also called seers, are individuals who receive visions and prophecies that are difficult to interpret but potentially foretell the future. Some believe they may be related to [[Conduits]], but others dispute this, particularly if they believe an oracle is given visions from a divine source. As they have for untold ages, oracles play an important role in many societies across the mortal world.
While there are no specific "types" of oracles, some believe an oracle's visions comes from a variety of sources. For instance, some oracles receive visions from the mysterious power of the Fay, while others firmly believe such power comes only from a divine source and connection with the gods. No one truly knows from whence such powers stem, nor if they can originate from different sources.
Oracles vary in power and abilities, with some oracles able to only see brief moments into the future, others able to foretell grand events, others dwelling only in visions of death, and the most powerful may receive predictions of all these and more. Where these come from is a mystery, though many oracles attribute their power to prophecies and visions sent to them by their chosen deity. How one becomes an oracle may also vary, but some are known to be born with some form of predictive power. Those who study oracles and their predictions often refer to vaguer imagery as '''visions''', whereas grander predictions of great future events are referred to specifically as '''prophecies'''. Some prophecies are so powerful they even come to the individual in the form of words. These are generally thought to be direct communication with the divine, sent to the oracle by a god or goddess. Visions, and likewise prophecies, may come about at random moments or be triggered by certain vapors, potions, or even stressful events, but it is not unheard of for an oracle to suddenly pass into a vision seemingly with no trigger at all.
Upon receiving a vision or prophecy, an oracle must then interpret it. Sometimes the oracle does this alone, but some societies have interpreters and diviners whose job it is to interpret the vision as told to them by the oracle, either at the time of the vision or afterward. These interpretations are generally performed with the aid of other rituals, including sacrifices to the gods to help make the meaning clear.
==Important Oracles==
==Important Oracles==
A variety of oracles play important roles in societies around the world. Most famous and important of all is the [[Pythia]] at the [[Achaean Empire|Imperial]] city of [[Krisa]], often also said to be the most powerful. It is from her that the greatest of all prophecies originate. Other civilizations have their own oracles, however, and there are other, less important and powerful oracles even throughout the Empire, as well. Cultures considered less civilized may defer to swamp witches and hermits who claim to have visions, such as [[Werma]]. The people of [[Northrim]] frequently try to divine visions of fate from the [[Norns]], often through sacrifice. Oracles play an extremely important role in the culture of [[Kemhet]],  having a particular seat in [[Waset]], but many cities have their own oracles who provide even minor visions to the people.
[[Category:Magic]][[Category:History and Culture]]
[[Category:Magic]][[Category:History and Culture]]

Latest revision as of 00:43, 22 January 2024

Oracles, also called seers, are individuals who receive visions and prophecies that are difficult to interpret but potentially foretell the future. Some believe they may be related to Conduits, but others dispute this, particularly if they believe an oracle is given visions from a divine source. As they have for untold ages, oracles play an important role in many societies across the mortal world.


While there are no specific "types" of oracles, some believe an oracle's visions comes from a variety of sources. For instance, some oracles receive visions from the mysterious power of the Fay, while others firmly believe such power comes only from a divine source and connection with the gods. No one truly knows from whence such powers stem, nor if they can originate from different sources.


Oracles vary in power and abilities, with some oracles able to only see brief moments into the future, others able to foretell grand events, others dwelling only in visions of death, and the most powerful may receive predictions of all these and more. Where these come from is a mystery, though many oracles attribute their power to prophecies and visions sent to them by their chosen deity. How one becomes an oracle may also vary, but some are known to be born with some form of predictive power. Those who study oracles and their predictions often refer to vaguer imagery as visions, whereas grander predictions of great future events are referred to specifically as prophecies. Some prophecies are so powerful they even come to the individual in the form of words. These are generally thought to be direct communication with the divine, sent to the oracle by a god or goddess. Visions, and likewise prophecies, may come about at random moments or be triggered by certain vapors, potions, or even stressful events, but it is not unheard of for an oracle to suddenly pass into a vision seemingly with no trigger at all.


Upon receiving a vision or prophecy, an oracle must then interpret it. Sometimes the oracle does this alone, but some societies have interpreters and diviners whose job it is to interpret the vision as told to them by the oracle, either at the time of the vision or afterward. These interpretations are generally performed with the aid of other rituals, including sacrifices to the gods to help make the meaning clear.

Important Oracles

A variety of oracles play important roles in societies around the world. Most famous and important of all is the Pythia at the Imperial city of Krisa, often also said to be the most powerful. It is from her that the greatest of all prophecies originate. Other civilizations have their own oracles, however, and there are other, less important and powerful oracles even throughout the Empire, as well. Cultures considered less civilized may defer to swamp witches and hermits who claim to have visions, such as Werma. The people of Northrim frequently try to divine visions of fate from the Norns, often through sacrifice. Oracles play an extremely important role in the culture of Kemhet, having a particular seat in Waset, but many cities have their own oracles who provide even minor visions to the people.